
ctsTraffic でパフォーマンス測定

ctsTraffic はマイクロソフトのドキュメントで登場するネットワーク ツールです。

ctsTraffic は、詳細なパフォーマンスと信頼性の分析を提供する、高度にスケーラブルなクライアント/サーバー ネットワーキング ツールです。


これはWindows 用のツールです。

GitHub - microsoft/ctsTraffic: ctsTraffic is a highly scalable client/server networking tool giving detailed performance and reliability analytics
GitHub - microsoft/ctsTraffic: ctsTraffic is a highly scalable client/server networking tool giving detailed performance and reliability analytics

ctsTraffic is a highly scalable client/server networking tool giving detailed performance and reliab ...




必用なのctsTraffic.exe のみです。クライアント側とサーバー側にダウンロードしておきます。



ctsTraffic.exe -listen:* -consoleverbosity:1


ctsTraffic.exe -target:{サーバーIP} -consoleverbosity:1


PS C:\Users\azureuser> C:\Users\azureuser\Desktop\ctsTraffic.exe -listen:* -consoleverbosity:1
  Configured Settings
        Protocol: TCP
        Options: KeepAlive InlineIOCP MsgWaitAll
        IO function: Iocp (WSASend/WSARecv using IOCP)
        IoPattern: Push 
        PrePostRecvs: 1
        PrePostSends: 1
        Level of verification: Connections & Data
        Port: 4444
        Buffer used for each IO request: 65536 [0x10000] bytes
        Total transfer per connection: 1073741824 bytes
        Accepting connections on addresses:
        Server-accepted connections before exit : 0xffffffffffffffff

* TimeSlice - (seconds) cumulative runtime
* Send & Recv Rates - bytes/sec that were transferred within the TimeSlice period
* In-Flight - count of established connections transmitting IO pattern data
* Completed - cumulative count of successfully completed IO patterns
* Network Errors - cumulative count of failed IO patterns due to Winsock errors
* Data Errors - cumulative count of failed IO patterns due to data errors

 TimeSlice      SendBps      RecvBps  In-Flight  Completed  NetError  DataError

     0.002            0            0          0          0         0          0
     5.003           59      2883007          8          0         0          0
    10.003            0     18101043          8          0         0          0
    15.014            0     18218249          8          0         0          0
    20.014            0     18205900          8          0         0          0
    25.010            0     18141771          8          0         0          0
    30.015            0     18187713          8          0         0          0
    35.011            0     18181124          8          0         0          0
    40.004            0     18192048          8          0         0          0
    45.014            0     18234966          8          0         0          0
    55.011            0     18198253          8          0         0          0
    60.011            0     13160854          0          0         8          0

  Historic Connection Statistics (all connections over the complete lifetime)
  SuccessfulConnections [0]   NetworkErrors [8]   ProtocolErrors [0]

  Total Bytes Recv : 989665266
  Total Bytes Sent : 296
  Total Time : 64437 ms.
PS C:\Users\kudo> C:\Users\kudo\Downloads\ctsTraffic.exe -target: -consoleverbosity:1
  Configured Settings
        Protocol: TCP
        Options: InlineIOCP MsgWaitAll
        IO function: Iocp (WSASend/WSARecv using IOCP)
        IoPattern: Push 
        PrePostRecvs: 1
        PrePostSends: 1
        Level of verification: Connections & Data
        Port: 4444
        Buffer used for each IO request: 65536 [0x10000] bytes
        Total transfer per connection: 1073741824 bytes
        Connecting out to addresses:
        Binding to local addresses for outgoing connections:
        Connection limit (maximum established connections): 8 [0x8]
        Connection throttling rate (maximum pended connection attempts): 1000 [0x3e8]
        Total outgoing connections before exit (iterations * concurrent connections) : 0xffffffffffffffff

* TimeSlice - (seconds) cumulative runtime
* Send & Recv Rates - bytes/sec that were transferred within the TimeSlice period
* In-Flight - count of established connections transmitting IO pattern data
* Completed - cumulative count of successfully completed IO patterns
* Network Errors - cumulative count of failed IO patterns due to Winsock errors
* Data Errors - cumulative count of failed IO patterns due to data errors

 TimeSlice      SendBps      RecvBps  In-Flight  Completed  NetError  DataError

     5.000         1192            0          8          0         0          0
    10.000     18271436            0          8          0         0          0
    15.001     18529874            0          8          0         0          0
    20.001     18219008            0          8          0         0          0
    25.001     18336972            0          8          0         0          0
    30.001     18192793            0          8          0         0          0
    35.000     18183323            0          8          0         0          0
    40.001     18202260            0          8          0         0          0
    45.001     18219008            0          8          0         0          0
    50.001     18284544            0          8          0         0          0
    55.001     18205900            0          8          0         0          0

  Historic Connection Statistics (all connections over the complete lifetime)
  SuccessfulConnections [0]   NetworkErrors [0]   ProtocolErrors [0]

  Total Bytes Recv : 296
  Total Bytes Sent : 999555072
  Total Time : 55513 ms.


  Total Bytes Recv : 989665266
  Total Bytes Sent : 296
  Total Time : 64437 ms.

( 989665266 / 64437 ) * 8 = 約122Mbps


